Red Light Therapy
Powered by the FDA Approved Ultraslim/LipoLaser/LipoLight – Light Machine
LED-based light therapy is currently the highest in-demand treatment being sought by patients today. This revolutionary new system allows physicians to treat various Health Conditions by using the energy created by their cells to accelerate the healing process. This FDA Approved treatment provides patients with a non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical way to help them reach their goals, whether cosmetic or health-related.
Red light therapy (RLT) is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that utilizes a low-level wavelength of both red and near-infrared light to treat a variety of Health Conditions.
Starting in 1960, Red light has been persistently studied for its potential application in medicine, more specifically to find out if RLT could increase the energy production of the human cell. Over 50,000 successful research trials later, it has been concluded that by using specific wavelengths of light we can mirror expended energy back into the cell and create stronger and healthier cells that are able to respond to damage and rejuvenate themselves much faster than an untreated cell.
While keeping the patient’s goals in mind, physicians have been able to tailor treatment to the individual patient’s needs based on the frequency of light administered and the amount of time spent under the red light pads. This flexible environment of care allows patients to reach their goals on a wide spectrum of conditions. Patient goals range from cosmetic adjustments to body size, scarring and acne to aid in health conditions such as hormonal control, pain management, and chronic wound healing. The flexible nature of being able to tailor the kind of light, red or near-infrared, the wavelength of light, 600-880 nm, and the amount of time spent undergoing the treatment has allowed patients of all shapes and sizes to reach their goals and sustain their progress for a long time to come.
- Non-invasive
- No anesthesia required
- No risk of infection
- No scarring
- No downtime
- High patient satisfaction
- Cost-effective
Conditions Treated
Health Conditions
- Fibromyalgia
- Depression and Anxiety
- Chronic joint pain
- Degenerative joint disorders
- Brain fog decreased energy
- Osteoarthritis pain
- Tendinitis and myofascial pain
- UV Damage
- Deep Wrinkles
- Skin discoloration
- Hair Loss
- Collagen Deficiency
- Epithelial Degeneration
- Acne, keloids, vitiligo, and psoriasis
- Stubborn Fat Loss
What is a Contour Light Treatment Like?
The red-light delivery system allows direct application to the skin. The patient lies on a treatment table and pads, or panels are placed on the areas of treatment. The pads and panel can be used in a variety of configurations, specific to the areas on which the patients desire treatment. Once the system is on, the patient will see ultra-bright red lights. Goggles can be worn to protect their eyes. After a few minutes, when the light stimulates the cell mitochondria and they begin to generate energy in the cells, the patient will feel a warming effect. The pads and panels don’t emit heat, the warming sensation is generated by the body’s metabolism.
How Long with the Effects Last?
The results from Contour Light will vary from person to person based on nutrition, activity, healthy lifestyle, and frequency of treatment. However, a truly committed patient can expect lifelong results.
Is the Contour Light system safe for everybody?
Yes, with three exceptions. The light emitted by the Contour Light device is cool, and it does not generate excessive heat, so it will not burn or damage the tissue. However, the contour light should be avoided if the patient has:
- A medical condition that seriously inhibits proper waste elimination via the liver and kidneys
- Extreme light sensitivity, either due to a medical condition or a medication
- Patients who are pregnant should not use the pads in the abdomen area.
What Types of Results Are Expected?
Most patients see a noticeable improvement within the first 2-3 treatments, some even after the first treatment. The full session series can reliably address most of their expectations depending on the patient’s goals. Continued treatments or series can be added if needed for further benefit.
What Parts of the Body can be Treated?
Every part of the body, from the top of the head to the toes, can be treated by Red Light, with the exception of the eyes. The red lights are ultra-bright and goggles are recommended when using the face mask.
The Universal Wellness Source team can work with you to develop a Red Light Therapy treatment plan best suited to treat your condition(s) and individually tailored to meet your goals. We provide the most advanced treatment available and other regenerative treatments that maximize healing and regeneration, like Chiropractic Adjustments, Softwave therapy, and Customized Nutrition.