All posts by uwsomaha1

4 Ways To Introduce Movement Into The Workplace From A Chicago,IL Chiropractor

If you sit behind a desk all day with little or no activity, you could be compromising your physical health, mental health, and brain health which could impact your productivity at work. From a physical standpoint, it isn’t healthy to remain in one position for too long. It can lead to various health conditions including […]

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ADHD & Chiropractic: Notes From A Chicago,IL Chiropractor

There was a time when Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, was laughed off as “kids being kids.” Research has shown, however, that ADHD is a neuro behavioral disorder that is often diagnosed in children. In fact, 1 in 10 children receives a diagnosis of ADHD and experts are taking notice of the condition’s impact […]

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4 Ways The Spine Influences Your Health From A Chicago,IL Chiropractor

Your spine goes through a lot each day. It provides structural support and houses the central nervous system which carries impulses from the brain throughout the body. When it isn’t working as it should, the entire body can be affected. Chiropractic has long been praised as a way to keep the back healthy. Well, now […]

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TMJ relief From A Chicago,IL Chiropractor

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, is a common condition that effects the jaw. It can be extremely painful and many people are turning to methods other than medication or surgery to relieve that pain. While lifestyle changes such as diet may help, chiropractic care has been cited as a viable treatment for TMJ pain. At […]

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Improving Sports Performance With A Chicago,IL Chiropractor

In sports, performance is everything. Regardless of whether you’re a pro football player or a weekend warrior, your level of performance in your chosen athletic activity is what takes you to competitive heights. There are certain things that every athlete knows will make them stronger, faster, more flexible, and have more stamina. Chiropractic care is […]

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Sciatica Relief From A Chicago,Il Chiropractor

Sciatica is a common back ailment that affects approximately 1 in 10 adults in the United States. It is most prevalent in people between the ages of 25 and 45. Sciatica is characterized by a shooting pain that originates in the lower back and travels down through the hip, buttock and back of leg. The […]

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Scoliosis and Chiropractic : Notes From A Chicago,Il Chiropractor

Curvature of the spine, even slight, can cause pain and postural problems. When the curve is more than 10 degrees, it is considered to be scoliosis. The primary symptom of scoliosis is a significant curvature of the spine and is the majority of cases the cause is not known. Even mild cases can cause pain […]

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Hydration and The Spine: A Discussion From A Chicago,IL Chiropractor

There is no denying that a healthy diet is integral to overall wellness and staying hydrated is absolutely vital. Every organ, every cell in your body contains water. In fact, when you don’t drink enough water and keep your body properly hydrated, it does not function as it should. The health of your spine and […]

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7 Ways Chiropractic Benefits Children From A Chicago,IL Chiropractor

Chiropractic is traditionally considered by many to be just for adults. However, research shows that chiropractic can be very beneficial for children. It can make birth easier and help give babies a healthy start in life. Young children can benefit from many of the childhood conditions that chiropractic helps too. If you haven’t thought about […]

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How A Chicago,IL Chiropractor Can Help You Dance Better

Do you want to dance? Most people love hearing these words, and wholeheartedly jump to the dance floor to twist and shout with the best of them. Some even take classes to learn to swing, tap, or ballroom dance. Others even train and compete. It’s big fun, and provides social interaction and exercise. And sometimes […]

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