All posts by uwsomaha1

Always Busy? Here Are Some Easy Ways to Keep Healthy on the Go!

Our days only have so many hours and our careers and family lives keep us using every minute of it. Just because our days are busy does not mean that we can forget health. Especially when busy, that added nutrition is needed to keep us energized. Follow these tips to keep those energy levels up, […]

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Cholesterol: Food myths you should not believe

The Dangers of Cholesterol We’ve all heard of the dangers of cholesterol: once it gets “high”, our heart can suffer in more ways than one. The most popular and serious way is atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries from the collection of LDL cholesterol. You may now be wondering, “What does LDL mean […]

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Essential Oils and Your Furry Loved Ones

Everyone loves essential oils; they are a great way to decrease nasal congestion, anxiety, sore muscles and more! With a rise in the use of oil diffusers in the home, we need to look at how these oils will affect our beloved pets at home. The danger goes beyond “this oil is bad and this […]

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Tips for Fighting Pain From Cold Weather

Frigid temps and pain Have you noticed that the temperature drop makes your pain levels soar? You’re not alone! Many people with chronic pain conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia find that their symptoms get worse during the winter. As the cold sets in, the tissues within the joints expand, causing an already inflamed joint to […]

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Connect with Dr. Kay and Dr. Ash

Breaking News: You can now follow Dr. Kay and Dr. Ash directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – @DrsKayandAsh! They will be sharing tips and tools to elevate your health, events hosted throughout the year, video blogs, recipes and more! Join this new community and take charge of your families health! Dr. Ashlin’s Facebook page is […]

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Healthy Eating During the Holidays

With the holiday season in full swing, it can be difficult not to over-indulge during holiday parties and gatherings. While indulging a little is perfectly acceptable, remembering to be mindful of our habits and health is also important. Here are some tips to consider during this holiday season: Eat regularly. Eating regular meals and snacks […]

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Holiday Survival Guide

Each year the holidays seem to come earlier and earlier, bringing with them the stresses and strains of holiday shopping. Local shops have had decorations up for weeks and now “Black Friday” starts at 8pm on Thanksgiving — Are you ready for the holiday shopping challenge? The human body has the capacity to handle a […]

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How Cold Weather Impacts Your Body

As the weather gets colder, you may experience more aches and pains, and even feel like your muscles are stiffer. This is more evident for people who work outside, or individuals with certain ailments. The cold weather can increase the risk of suffering from musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and can even increase the intensity of certain conditions. […]

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Staying in Motion

7 reasons to stay active It’s never a bad time to keep the simple things in mind Over the past 20 years, exercise has become an important aspect of health care. It’s no surprise that it’s important to stay active. From the perspective of your spine, muscle, and nervous system experts, here are a few […]

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Decoding Nutrition Labels

Food and nutrition labels on food are packed with helpful information. Often they’re our go-to source for calorie, fat, and carbohydrate information, but they have a whole lot more to communicate to consumers. Here are some fast facts about what information you can find on food labels, and what it really means: All ingredients lists […]

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