All posts by uwsomaha1

Keeping a Healthy Spine at School and Work

During the summer, it is normally much easier to stay active with weekend getaways and weekly summer outdoor activities. As we shift into a busier fall season, people may neglect their health for the sake of productivity – whether it’s sitting at your desk at school or at work, or even transporting books and laptops. […]

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Four Tips for Improving Posture

Good posture is more important than many people realize. Many a mother has followed her child around, reminding him or her to “stand up straight!” Not everyone knows all the reasons that this is important, but they should. Good posture is essential to good spinal health as well as good overall health. People with good […]

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Knowing Your Nervous System

The Body’s Foundation At its very foundation chiropractic helps improve nervous system function by making adjustments to the spine. Over time, more and more studies are proving that it is extremely effective and as a result many health conditions are improved and even healed completely. Function of the Nervous System The nervous system is a […]

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Addressing Childhood Obesity through Chiropractic

Obesity on the rise Childhood obesity is on the rise in America. Even if you don’t want fries with that kids’ meal, chances are your fast food restaurant wants to give you some. Chains like McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Burger King offer unhealthy sides and drinks 84 percent of the time, in lieu of their […]

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Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Ear Infections

Natural ear pain relief Ear pain is the number one reason for children to visit the chiropractor. There is a strong link between the birthing process and recurrent ear infection, also known as otitis media. During the birthing process, cervical vertebrae can become misaligned, disrupting nerve function, which can affect the eustachian tube. This may […]

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Chiropractic Solutions for Chronic Sinus Trouble

Waking up with a stuffy head Do you feel as if you always have a cold or that your last cold never left you? Do you have a chronic “postnasal drip”? If you answered yes’, you may be suffering from sinusitis-the most common condition in the 18 to 45 age group. Your sinuses (Latin for […]

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How To Choose The Perfect Running Shoe

Feet are important. By the time the typical American reaches the age of 50, they will have walked 75,000 miles. Runners put even more miles on their feet, and stress. Your feet are your foundation. A problem with your feet can throw your entire body out of balance. That is why when it comes to […]

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Relief from Shoulder Pain with Chiropractic Care

The Vulnerable Shoulder The shoulder goes through a lot in a day. It is comprised of an intricate network of ligaments and muscles, with the rotator cuff taking the bulk of the movement and exertion. Not only is it the most flexible joint in the human body, it is also one of the most unstable. […]

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Do I Need Custom Orthotics?

The problem with back pain It’s no secret that low back pain is a prevalent problem. With a reported 60-80% of the U.S. population suffering each year. Low back pain is the second most common reason patients visit a medical doctor, and the number one reason they visit a Chiropractor. One study stated that the “lifetime […]

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What is Kinesiology Tape and How Can it Help Me?

Discovering the “Magic Tape” I’ve had lots of questions about the “magic tape” that my patients have seen on Olympians, local high school athletes, their neighbor’s back and Grandma’s knees. I, too, was critical when introduced to this kinesiology tape. I thought it was a fashion statement for athletes in crazy colors and designs like […]

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